Being able to express your emotions is important to your health and well-being. The stronger your feelings, the better it is to be able to express them. Pent-up, negative emotions can cause stress, anxiety, depression, and physical problems such as headaches
and high blood pressure. That’s why learning how to communicate your feelings can go a long way in improving your health.
How to talk about your feelings
Here are tips that can help you express your emotions effectively and protect your mental health:
• Take time to collect your thoughts first.Try to sort out your feelings if you are upset. Talking about them with another person may help you understand why you have strong feelings.
• Choose a “safe” audience or a trusted confidante if you simply need someone to hear how you’re feeling.
• Take responsibility for how you react.Other people have no control over your reactions even if they can control the situations.
• Practice two-way communication when trying to resolve an issue.If you’re upset and trying to communicate with the other person how you feel, try to understand their perspective, too.
• Speak with a counselor or mental health professional for guidance, if needed. There are times when professional help is your best resource.
Choose your words with care
When you’re sharing your feelings, do it with care because your words also affect others. Here are examples of what to avoid:
• Focusing on who’s to blame
• Forcing a person to listen or share their feelings
with you
• Talking about the same issues repeatedly
• Expecting others to take your side or react
like you
Talking about your feelings effectively can give you relief and help you build better relationships — both of which are good for your emotional and mental well-being. To learn more about mental health, visit cdc.gov/mentalhealth